Hello Rally Fans!!
Worker Registration is open..
We have partnered with Rally Master Pro for worker tracking.
Please head over to http://www.rallymasterpro.com/workers/?group=11 and get signed up. Add as much detail as possible so we can place you in the proper area. Please let us know once you've signed up by sending an e-mail to volunteers@southernohioforestrally.com
** Also, If you have an existing RallyMasterPro account please let us know by sending an email to volunteers@southernohioforestrally.com
Be sure you check out https://www.southernohioforestrally.com/lodginghotels/ and take advantage of the discounted room rates!!
For more details on hotels check out the "news" section for discount ideas.
Stay tuned to:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SouthernOhioForestRally/
Twitter https://twitter.com/SOForestRally
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/southernohioforestrally/?hl=en
May will be here before you know it!
Thank You,
The Southern Ohio Forest Rally